3 research outputs found

    A FEM-experimental approach for the development of a conceptual linear actuator based on tendril's free coiling

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    Within the vastness of the plant species, certain living systems show tendril structures whose motion is of particular interest for biomimetic engineers. Tendrils sense and coil around suitable grips, and by shortening in length, they erect the remaining plant body. To achieve contraction, tendrils rotate along their main axis and shift from a linear to a double-spring geometry. This phenomenon is denoted as the free-coiling phase. In this work, with the aim of understanding the fundamentals of the mechanics behind the free coiling, a reverse-engineering approach based on the finite element method was firstly applied. The model consisted of an elongated cylinder with suitable material properties, boundary, and loading conditions, in order to reproduce the kinematics of the tendril. The simulation succeeded in mimicking coiling faithfully and was therefore used to validate a tentative linear actuator model based on the plant’s working principle. More in detail, exploiting shape memory alloy materials to obtain large reversible deformations, the main tendril features were implemented into a nickel-titanium spring-based testing model. The results of the experimental tests confirmed the feasibility of the idea in terms of both functioning principles and actual performance. It can be concluded that the final set-up can be used as a base for a prototype design of a new kind of a linear actuator

    Numerical model of inhalation

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    Evropská legislativa požaduje snížení počtu zvířat zapojených do laboratorních testů. Současně je známo velmi málo o sekundárních účincích plynných látek (např. Deodorantů, čisticích sprejů) používaných denně v každé domácnosti. Na základě těchto potřeb byla provedena analýza transportu a reziduí částic v dýchacích cestách. Studie byla provedena ve dvou částech: teoretická část - simulace CFD, praktická část ověření. Experimentální část výzkumu je založen na modulu simulátoru plic i-Lung. Modul může být použit i jako pasivní i aktivní simulátor plic.The number of animals involved in laboratory testing needs to decrease, according to the latest decrees of the European Union. Furthermore, little is known about the secondary effects of gaseous substances (e.g. deodorants, cleaning sprays) used on a daily basis in every household. Based on these pressing necessities, an analysis of particle transport and deposition has been conducted. The study has been conducted on two levels: on a computational basis (CFD simulations) and on a practical basis. The experimental part of the research is based on the functioning of a lung simulator, the i-Lung. The model can be used as a passive simulator as well as an active one.